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An introduction to our Church


We meet for worship and fellowship each Sunday at 10.30.

We are a small church belonging to the Connexion of Independent Methodist Churches. We are Methodist in liturgy and doctrine, and you would notice very little difference from a traditional Methodist, Baptist, United Reform or Congregational Church. We sing hymns ancient and modern from the enlarged Mission Praise Hymnal accompanied by keyboard or organ. 

As an Independent Methodist Church, we differ from similar churches in that we do not have a full-time paid Minister. We do have Ministers, but they are Lay Ministers who have combined their training and service to God with regular employment. We subscribe to the ‘Priesthood of all believers’ and believe that God has given us different gifts to use for the benefit of His Church and each other.

Weekly Sunday worship is led by both our own and itinerant preachers offering a variety of styles and content. Services normally last about an hour and the vast majority of our congregation continue to share fellowship over tea and biscuits in the hall afterwards.

We are a mature congregation with some younger people. We consider ourselves warm and friendly without being too intrusive or demanding. We hold a number of activities during the week including a prayer meeting and a lively Bible Fellowship. Throughout the year we attempt to form links with the local community by holding various events and we welcome community groups to use our premises.

Most importantly, we see ourselves as Christians on a common road, supporting each other as we learn more about our personal faith in God. 


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